Monday, July 1, 2013

Lee Gasper-Galvin: Madison would be prime location for a Department of Energy lab

A new technology field that could be advantageously addressed in the Madison area is advanced energy storage research, such as advanced batteries, ultracapacitors and advanced energy storage concepts.

Many Americans agree that if solar and wind energy could economically compete with fossil energy, these cleaner and simpler renewable forms of energy would be preferable.

Improved energy storage would go a long way toward making renewable energy more attractive and make electric vehicles and grid power storage more viable.

I propose we muster the bipartisan political will to build a new U.S. Department of Energy laboratory near Madison. The lab could focus solely on advanced energy storage research. While I acknowledge the efforts of Argonne and other national labs in this field, so far they have not been sufficient.

I envision the synergism of a multidisciplinary team from UW-Madison?s world class engineering and science departments and Wisconsin's battery and related industries working with Department of Energy scientists and engineers.

That would be a powerful force for solving our nation?s energy storage problems. It also would spawn many new businesses and create private sector jobs.

-- Lee Gasper-Galvin, Sun Prairie


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