Friday, December 14, 2012

The Bird's Nest: Our Story

We were asked to one of the families of honor at the New Mexico Heart Gallery Foundation?s Holiday Gala at the Governor?s Mansion on Dec. 4th.? They asked me to speak about our journey?.here is the speech I prepared:


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Good evening. Thank you for allowing me to share my family, and my journey as both a Heart Gallery photographer and a foster/adoptive parent with you. In August of 2009 my husband and I were the proud parents of an 15 month old little girl, Brooklyn. Having had a difficult pregnancy, we weren't sure if I could tolerate another one. We were sure, however, that we wished to expand our family by adoption, specifically adoption through foster care. We began the training and home study process in October. As we impatiently waited for our home study to be completed, I contacted the Heart Gallery of New Mexico to offer my services as a photographer. I yearned to do something productive. I did my first Heart Gallery shoot for a wonderful young man named, Andrew, in February 2010. We became licensed foster/adoptive parents in April. That spring and summer we attended several Heart Gallery events, and interacted with several great youth. In August we accepted a foster care placement. They lived with us for 14 months. We were blessed with our second daughter, Bailey, last December. But still, we felt called to adopt. After discussing our options, we chose to seek an older child placement. Our feeling was that it would be easier to meet everyone's needs with more separation between them and our younger children. Having done many Heart Gallery shoots at this point, the teens always really pulled at my heart strings. I couldn't imagine aging out of the system, without a family, a home, love, support and guidance.


In March I attended the Heart Gallery's ?Fly? teen-only event as a photographer. I took the portraits of seven waiting teens that day, but two of them stood out. Their portraits never made it to the Heart Gallery. I came home and told my husband about a set of 13 year old twins who were engaging, fun, and intelligent. We put our official inquiry in two days later. During the next couple months we were able to attend two more Heart Gallery events and had the unique opportunity to observe their interactions with our biological children. Tina and Tony were placed in our home for adoption on July 3. Their adoption was finalized on National Adoption Day. We celebrated their 14th birthday last Friday. The twins are adjusting wonderfully to our family, and their new school. Though the path we have chosen is not easy, it is definitely worth it. We rely heavily on the support of family, friends, and the New Mexico FIESTA Project. All of our children are thriving, and we are a happy family, full of love and joy.


Besides being a wife and a mother, I teach 2nd grade. Advocating for children is something I am passionate about. While I enjoy getting paid occasionally for my photography, I could never do another paid shoot, and just donate my services to the Heart Gallery, and I would be completely fulfilled in my photography career. On behalf of my children, and all the children awaiting adoption in New Mexico, I sincerely want to thank you for your generosity to a foundation and a cause that is so near and dear to my heart. The Heart Gallery Foundation has made monumental difference in our lives, and in the lives of so many youths in our state. Thank you, again!


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